In memory of Prof. Fortuneè Irene Habib

Prof. Fortuneè Irene Habib has recently passed away.
She was a researcher of great merit in the field of gastroenterology and neurology and was well known to us in the field of colon proctology for her studies on dysfunctional pathologies of the pelvic floor and in particular for her meticulous and painstaking efforts in the in depth study of diagnostics of which she was an expert.
Many of us also appreciated throughout the years her cultural affinity with the principles on which our society is based.
Since we were not only colleagues in the same university but also shared many years of study and exchange of cultural and scientific opinions, I feel it is my duty to announce with deep condolence her death to all the members of our society who had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know her.
Prof. Enrico Corazziari, who was the Director of the operating unit in which she worked in these last years, has proposed the setting up of a foundation named after her of which I am proud to enclose the name.

Filippo la Torre

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Renato Pietroletti
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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

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