
Vincere la stitichezza con i fumetti - Mario Pescatori

  • Vincere la stitichezza con i fumetti

  • Description:

    Mario Pescatori

    È stata data alle stampe “Vincere la stitichezza con i fumetti”, ultima fatica letteraria di Mario Pescatori. Si tratta di un’opera che – attraverso una serie di strips a tema – esplora il variegato arcipelago della stipsi con leggerezza narrativa, ma anche con la competenza scientifica e l’attenzione al dettaglio dello specialista di lungo corso. Un approccio divulgativo ritagliato sulle esigenze di informazioni dei pazienti, ma estremamente utile anche agli specialisti come strumento di approfondimento della “didattica” comunicativa e ausilio nella relazione terapeutica.

    Lo stile del disegno è immediatamente riconoscibile da chi ha già avuto la fortuna di poter leggere altri graphic- o fictional-works dell’Autore, anche di argomento completamente diverso, così come il protagonista “alter ego” dell’autore stesso. Un gioiellino da tenere a portata di mano in ambulatorio e da consigliare ai/alle pazienti per aiutarli ad affrontare più consapevolmente il proprio disagio e per coinvolgerli attivamente nel percorso diagnostico-terapeutico.

    Il volume è già disponibile su Amazon.

eBook on Diverticular Disease

  • Colonic Diverticular Disease

  • Description:

    Editors: Antonio Tursi, Mauro Bafutto, Giovanni Brandimarte, Enio Chaves de Oliveira

    The book provides up-to-date information on all aspects of colonic diverticular disease, particularly common in Western countries. Most people suffering from it remain asymptomatic, while about 20% develop symptoms without complications, experiencing the so-called “Symptomatic Non-Complicated Diverticular Disease” (SUDD). 10-25% of this last group eventually develop diverticulitis, with or without complications. The incidence of diverticulitis and diverticular colon disease is increasing worldwide, and is becoming a significant burden for national health systems in terms of direct and indirect costs, also because its prevalence increases with age. Unfortunately, the disease pathogenesis is relatively unknown and several aetiological factors may play a role in its onset.

    The first parts of the book will deal with the disease epidemiology and etiopathogenesis, focusing on the roles of inflammation and dysbiosis as part of the pathophysiology of diverticular disease. The clinical spectrum, the diagnostic approach and differential diagnosis, medical and surgical treatments are described in the following sections.

    Written by experts in the field, the volume will be a unique and valuable resource for all clinicians, residents, and physicians involved in the management of this disease.

    The book can be downloaded here

The Art of Surgical Proctology

  • Fecal incontinence: Practical management of the patient

  • Description:

    Claudia Menconi; Luigi Losacco
    Edizioni Minerva Medica

    Why the need for yet another book dealing with fecal incontinence? The question that each of us should ask ourselves before facing a clinical problem is “What’s I need to know”? This project was conceived because of need for practicality, the necessity of a concrete advice when we have to deal out with patients and to give them plausible answers. We specialists, surgeons, gastroenterologists and all the others, often hear about wonderful experiences showed during congresses, master-class or brilliant published results obtained by the Authors with various type of therapies. Very frequently we hear or read the 90-100% of good results especially in some surgical techniques. The real context is quite different. For what concerns fecal incontinence, if we arrive to a 40-50% of good results maintained for long follow-up (at least over 60 months) we are heroes. So, there is probably a large gap between the challenge functional problems and the concrete ways available to solve it. In public Health specialists should organize themselves in multidisciplinary hospital teams because of the costs of the device dedicated (e.g. rehabilitation equipment, device for sacral nerve stimulation). They should activate the hospital administrations to solve the problems of costs. Surely moving this type of treatment into private health care will not be a solution. The tools available to solve fecal incontinence, unless are not so numerous, might improve the symptoms of various patients if they are used consciously and with a specialised behavioural algorithm. As Editor of this book with Dr. Losacco, I thank the Authors participating in the drafting of the work started a few years ago and not facilitated by the Covid pandemic.

    Fecal incontinence: Practical management of the patient – Edizioni Minerva Medica

The Art of Surgical Proctology

  • The Art of Surgical Proctology

  • Description:

    Mario Pescatori
    Pertinax Publishing

    This unique book is the inaugural text from the new publishing company PERTINAX PUBLISHING devoted to global colorectal publication. In this book, Professor Mario Pescatori brings his remarkable perspective gained from 4 decades of specialist proctologic surgery to the management of a wide array of proctologic problems encountered in a tertiary referral practice. Here, the range includes a spectrum of simple and complex procedures in the management of perirectal sepsis (abscess and fistula), hemorrhoids, obstructed defecation, rectal prolapse and tumors. There are special sections on the eclectic problems encountered following endoanal stapled surgery and rectovaginal fistula and a variety of proctologic miscellanea. Each section distinctively presents a series of skillful artistic representations of each the operative do’s and don’ts, providing practical tips and “tricks of the trade” designed to prevent intra- and postoperative complications. The fusion of these images with a pragmatic series of operative recommendations gleaned from extensive experience for the treatment of complex proctologic disorders emphasizes the way Professor Pescatori has developed his craft and how the operative skill of proctology is indeed, an art form.
    The Art of Surgical Proctology is an essential addition to the library of every colorectal surgeon and trainee with an interest in proctologic disorders.

    This book can be downloaded at this link

A Comprehensive Guide to Proctology

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Proctology

  • Description:

    AP Zbar
    Pertinax Publishing

    This complete resource textbook (900 pp) covers the full gamut of proctology with extensive discussions of the latest trial data covering anorectal sepsis (abscess and fistula), hemorrhoids, fissure, perianal Crohn’s disease, anal incontinence, pilonidal sinus, rectovaginal fistula, precancerous syndromes of the anal canal and anal cancer. The book also includes an extensive section on anorectal physiologic testing and technical aspects of the conduct of proctologic surgery and anal canal resurfacing techniques as well as on medicolegal approaches to specialist proctologic practice. It is designed as a unique total resource textbook for colorectal surgeons, trainees, gastroenterologists and specialist nurses. This book will be available in March 2014 but may be preordered through

Managing Anal Incontinence

  • Managing Anal Incontinence

  • Description:

    J Manuel Devesa
    Pertinax Publishing

    Professor Devesa collates an internationally renowned group of surgeons and therapists who bring their expertise to the management of anal incontinence. This book covers the epidemiology of incontinence, objective severity assessments and approaches to investigation along with outcomes for conservative biofeedback treatments and quality of life considerations. The development and results of a range of surgical procedures are discussed including sphincter repair, muscle transposition techniques, the antegrade continence enema, anal slings and plugs, sacral and peripheral neuromodulation and internal sphincter augmentation. This book will be available in May 2014 but may be preordered through

La vita in un attimo

  • La vita in un attimo

  • Description:

    Gianluca Toniolo
    Pacini Editore

    “Vorresti volare via lontano ritrovando la libertà perduta e lasciando a terra la pesantezza di quel corpo prima così attivo e che ora, immobile, non ti risponde più. Ti senti immensamente fragile, indifeso, perso, immobile, bloccato, solo e, piano piano, ti rendi conto che non sarà solo una parentesi nella tua vita”
    Il volume si presenta come una lunga riflessione, di carattere autobiografico, sulla volatilità della vita e sulla “distrazione” con cui si perdono di vista le cose che contano: il protagonista, un medico chirurgo, riuscirà a recuperarne il senso e il valore profondo attraverso un’esperienza di dolore e di “obbligata rinascita” dopo un grave incidente stradale che ha cambiato completamente la sua vita.


  • Eccoci

  • Description:

    Mario Pescatori
    Tullio Pironti Editore

    A world characterized by human relationships which are depicted precisely and which takes place in a single page a single story. A name that gives life to the character, who as an individual is equal only to himself yet to millions of others similar to him.
    Eccoci: stories of a happy, sad, melancholic life or of a life full of hope. A succession of lives with an underlying theme well defined by the narrator who as a child with a kite among light breezes and whirlwinds reaches high peaks then falls head down into a profound and distressing introspection which is difficult to cope with and that leads to madness.
    Yet the underlying theme strikes in the story with restlessness, happiness or disappointment and involves patients, drivers, secretaries, nurses, young bribed wives, foreigners. A few clichés, many details and lots of wonderful life.
    Comment by A. Infantino

Prevention and Treatment of Complications in Proctological Surgery

  • Prevention and Treatment of Complications in Proctological Surgery

  • Description:

    Mario Pescatori

    Every book no matter what the genre, is a revelation in itself.  When the author decided to write this book, his intention was to shed light on the story or on the  events that took place in the past but can arise again. Many are pleasant, positive results of success obtained and as such presented more or less with the pride and satisfaction of the narcissist.
    Complications and their seriousness obviously have a negative effect on patients but also a negative effect on their self -esteem and therefore sometimes patients prefer to play down or even keep quiet about them. What appears as negative becomes a positive experience for the surgeon, who having to deal with these complications enriches his experience from a technical but also a cultural point of view.  Keeping these negative fee bottled up, not being willing to talk about them openly is a more frequent trend in our country than in English speaking countries, and the reasons have deep roots. Surgeons therefore will make use of this situation to avoid repeating the same mistakes. It goes without saying that avoiding talking about them is of no help to the surgeon or the patient; only thanks to the awareness of these complications can prevention develop and become more and more adequate for the patients’ sake.
    Pescatori has reached at least two goals with his book: relating to real facts because often that is the winning formula, telling about personal experiences in a bibliographical context. He has shown in fact a non common personal maturity by telling openly even about his own complications winning his shyness in the current climate of  “witch hunt” source of an increase of accusations in the field of medicine. The second goal was also reached: to face the topic of the treatment of complications and their prevention.
    The best approach is the holistic one, taking into consideration the person as a whole both in the physical and the psychological aspect, this in fact allows the reader to enter a more global context of the patient and take into consideration the intertwining of different aspects of the problem: psycho-somatic and somatic-psychiatric.  Surgeons have to face these different aspects in terms of availability of time and willingness, which becomes more and more difficult if in addition there are  limited financial resources.In this volume EBM and holistic medicine there is a good balance between tables, illustrations and drawings by an expert hand, a display not only of known complications but also those that new technologies bring about forcefully and that require remedial solutions  hat are not always well defined.

    This book offers surgeons good technical and professional advice and should be considered an excellent reference book to keep at hand.

Ascessi, fistole anali e retto-vaginali

  • Abscesses, anal fistulas and rectovaginal fistulas

  • Description:

    Mario Pescatori

    In the last century there has been an incredible development in the field of Coloproctology  especially regarding the treatment of this disease, this is not only thanks to a better understanding of anatomy and physiopathology but also to the great technological innovations that have reduced the disabilities of the disease and of surgical interventions. However, there is still one aspect  of this science that has not developed as steadily and that is the one concerned with complex fistulas of the perineum.

    This book which sets aside the uninspiring technical terms of the disease in favour of an intelligent and fascinating presentation, has the advantage of transmitting new and old concepts in the light of the author’s experience which is great in terms both of quantity and quality. The scientific rigour remains in the dark but only apparently intertwines with the wide photographic atlas of surgical cases described in the second half of the volume. In the unusual and what could be considered provocative presentation with reference to suggested readings lies the novelty of the description of the topic whereas scientific literature although prolific tends to dishearten the hope of cures which are often presented in a sensational manner.

    Anal fistulas cannot be ranked among minor pathologies: too many patients who for years have not found definite solutions and who feel discouraged regardless of new attempts in surgery. The harm done affects both the quality of life and often the harm caused by the loss of employment becomes so great that it surpasses the very physical discomforts of the disease itself. The book underlines the necessity to store the latest   technical information together with experience in order to put into practice many different surgical solutions and underlines at the same time, the importance of combining ars medica with Evidence Based Medicine.

    Last but not least, the sequela of many kinds of treatments that patients have undergone can be more disabling than the disease itself, among these, the worst is faecal  incontinence .

    Thanks to professor Mario Pescatori for this book that will be a great guide to colorectal  surgeons  for a better understanding of this disease.

Intestinal Polyps and Polyposis

  • Intestinal Polyps and Polyposis
    From Genetics to Treatment and Follow-up

  • Description:

    GG.Delaini; T. Skricka; G. Colucci (Eds.)

    Nowadays, we are dealing more frequently with the entity of large intestine polyps, as endoscopy and bowel cancer screening programmes are rapidly expanding. Often a single polyp is involved, but more complex situations are also encountered, including the well-defined pattern of polyposis. These situations can fall into a gray area, not only for diagnosis, but also for the correct treatment and follow-up. New developments in pathophysiology and treatment options are leading to new questions. This handbook aims to offer a integrated approach for all physicians (doctors) who deal with these issues, by presenting up-to-date discussion from genetics through treatment, to implications of genetic counseling. It will also help specialists to offer more “evidence-based” treatments, by implementing the best clinical individual judgement informed by the best current scientific evidence.

Imaging Atlas of the Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Diseases

  • Imaging Atlas of the Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Diseases

  • Description:

    M. Pescatori; F.S.P Regadas; S.M. Murad Regadas; Zbar, A.P. (Eds.)

    Exciting technical advances in US, CT, and MRI over the past decade have greatly enhanced the challenging task of investigating intestinal, pelvic floor, and anorectal function and dysfunction. The goal of Imaging Atlas of the Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Diseases, edited and authored by internationally respected experts in the field, is to clearly and precisely present indications, techniques, limitations, sources of errors, and pitfalls of these imaging modalities. The concise text expertly describes the abundant, high-quality images that show the normal anorectal anatomy as well as the pathological appearance of the all-too-common large-bowel and pelvic floor functional diseases. Of particular importance is the description of novel dynamic techniques, such as dynamic transperineal US, in assessing pelvic floor functional diseases. Also importantly, this atlas demonstrates the value of a “team approach” between colorectal surgeons and radiologists for solving complex clinical disorders of the anorectum and pelvic floor.

In Africa

  • In Africa

  • Description:

    Claudio Fucini – thirty years of travels, meetings, adventures of an Italian in the Black continent.
    Araba Fenice edition.

    If it’s true that a man’s sensibility can be measured in terms of his willingness to embrace distant cultures and experiences that bring back the desire in man and nature to evade to a world free of superfluity in which the non-essential seems essential. Claudio Fucini is an example of great sensibility and vivid passion. This book which deals with a very up-to-date theme, is an example of how man and his habitat play a central role in life. “In Africa” published in 2003, is the story of Girolamo, the main character and narrator who with intense emotion and charm tells us of a black continent that despite everything, is able to resist the temptation of being colonized by technology, and although with contradictions that at times are excessive and sensational, even the most experienced reader seems to be struck by a “longing for Africa”. Claudio Fucini with his thirty years of travels in this continent has transmitted the charm of this longing for Africa to his readers.

Rectal Prolapse

  • Rectal Prolapse - Diagnosis and Clinical Management

  • Description:

    Donato F. Altomare, Filippo Pucciani

    From the forewords by John R Nicholls
    Rectal Prolapse: diagnosis and Clinical Management is a unique publication…it gives a detailed and authoritative statement of the best current practice through a wide-ranging account of all aspects of the condition. There is no other book on the subject that does so in such depth.

    From the forewords by Floriano Marchetti and Stanley M Goldberg
    …Rectal Prolapse: diagnosis and Clinical Management offers a body of information encompassing any aspect of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of rectal prolapse. It is a meticulous, exhaustive review of what is established, what is new, and what we should know about rectal prolapse and its treatment…Rarely, if ever, in a textbook have obstructed defecation, intussusception, and rectal prolapse been addressed together in a comprehensive and coordinated fashion in the attempt to understand the interelations that tie these three entities together.

Diarrhoeal illness and anal continence control in functional intestinal disorders idiopathic disorders of intestinal fuction

  • Diarrhoeal illness and anal continence control in functional intestinal disorders idiopathic disorders of intestinal fuction

  • Description:

    Enrico Corazziari
    Messaggi International

    Once more, Corazzieri has proven to be in the forefront. His volume, published for ANEMGI by “messaggi international” sums up the most advanced knowledge on the topic of diarrhoea in bowel disorder. The four chapters: chronic diarrhoea and diarrhoeic disease, physiopathology, clinical presentation, handling and treatment are dealt with by experts worldwide, resulting in a text which is to studied and consulted not only by gastroenterologists but also by experts in gastroenterological surgery and colon-proctology.

Reinterventi nella chirurgia del colon retto e ano

  • Reinterventi nella chirurgia del colon retto e ano

  • Description:

    W. E. Longo, J. MA. Morthover
    Edizione italiana a cura di M. Nano- M. Ferronato

    Edizione Minerva Medica

Lago Bianco: L'ultima salita

  • Lago Bianco: L'ultima salita

  • Description:

    Mario Trompetto
    Musumeci Editore

    The coming of a new book always produces curiosity, interest; even more so if it’s the writer’s first book and he’s a surgeon.
    We wonder what the object of the book might be: the answer is all but simple:
    – there’s a Man with the great complexity of his job, which he loves and revels in his passion for it, even by pushing ever further his physical limits;
    – there’s a Place, rich symbol of a juvenile relationship in symbiosis with the author’s growth; a Place of fatiguing walks rewarded by a rest which does not dampen the joyous level of attention to detail, so much to be compelled to take note of the emotions pouring out; a Place generous “with fishing and prayer” which, similar to the relationship between lovers, is rich with the contrast between loving passion and extremely hazardous storms; a Place threatened by a modernism which in its speculation loses the knowledgeable respect for the Earth, men and feelings;
    – there’s Friendship, free of psychological structures, made of essential “gray and red square shirts, slightly worn boots and knickerbockers”; acceptance of differences and divergences; Friendship which instantly binds notwithstanding years of separation due to the different fluxes of life, long before the effect of genepy or the opening of the wine cask; collective catharsis to break the anguish of frenetic living;
    – there’s the courted Mountain, and therefore often excluded to women, the latter ones figures of great level in the novel but placed to play as affectionate and intelligent partners, whose constant presence would otherwise have been an impediment to the ancestral “bodily” movement of liberation, primitive yet necessary for the successful nullification of different memberships to roles and social classes.
    A novel of intended bewildering simplicity which alternates moments in which we dwell pleasantly upon emotional details and others in which events rapidly proceed. Hard to tell whether introspection prevails, the ecological sentiment, or the reflection on the extenuating rhythms of working life.

    To Mario Trompetto the wish for success at least even with that obtained in the professional field.
    Aldo Infantino

Clinical Ultrasound in Benign Proctology

  • Clinical Ultrasound in Benign Proctology

  • Description:

    M. Pescatori, C.I. Bartram, A.P. Zbar

    The Clinical Ultrasound in Benign Proctology by M. Pescatori, C.I. Bartram e A.P. Zbar has been published. Endorectal, vaginal and dynamic perineal ultrasound may help the clinician to make a better diagnosis when dealing with anorectal functional and organic diseas. This book-atlas offers images showing the importance of ultrasound diagnostics carrried out by a colorectal specialist.

Complex Anorectal Disorders

  • Complex Anorectal Disorders

  • Description:

    Steven D. Wexner, Andrew P. Zbar, Mario Pescatori

    The Complex Anorectal Disorders by Steven D. Wexner, Andrew P. Zbar and Mario Pescatori has been published. Draws together preclinical assessment and clinical raccomandations for complex anorectal disorders. The specialties of proctology, gynecology and urology are brought together in one text.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Familial Adanomatous Polyposis

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Familial Adanomatous Polyposis

  • Description:

    G.G. Delaini

    The Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Familial Adanomatous Polyposis by G.G. Delaini has been published.

Benign Anorectal Diseases

  • Benign Anorectal Diseases

  • Description:

    G.A. Santoro, G. Di Falco

    The Clinical Ultrasound in Benign Proctology by M. Pescatori, C.I. Bartram e A.P. Zabar has been published. Endorectal, vaginal and dynamic perineal ultrasound may help the clinician to make a better diagnosis when dealing with anorectal functional and organic diseas. This book-atlas offers images showing the importance of ultrasound diagnostics carrried out by a colorectal specialist.

Manuale Pratico di Proctologia d'Urgenza

  • Practical manual of urgent proctology

  • Description:

    Filippo La Torre, Silvestro Lucchese

    The ‘Practical manual of urgent proctology’ by Filippo la Torre and Silvestre Lucchese has been published. The book, sponsored by the SICCR, is easy to consult. It has been put together by expert proctologists.

Atlas of Endoanal and Endorectal Ultrasonography

  • Atlas of Endoanal and Endorectal Ultrasonography

  • Description:

    G.A. Santoro, G. Di Falco

    A book of great interest written by Santoro and Di Falco, both for neophytes and specialists. The book has been written from a multidisciplinary point of view with the contribution of the experts of the topics dealt with, in the single chapters and in its comments, in the international field.

Nuovo Trattato delle Stomie

  • New Treatise on Stomas

  • Description:

    Filippo La Torre

    The new Treatise on Stomas by La Torre takes into consideration the scientific, surgical, practical and social themes linked to stomas; it introduces and develops, on principles, the great methodological areas as an introduction to the specific techniques.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

  • Description:

    Giovanni Romano
    Idelson Gnocchi

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Coloproctological diseases and procedures

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