
Assemblea Generale dei Soci

Il 19 aprile 2013 si terrà a San Vito al Tagliamento l’Assemblea Generale dei Soci SICCR in occasione del 2nd Joint Spring Meeting 2013 NE Thames ACPGBI Chapter and SICCR. read more ›


Report SICCR Journal Club

Enclosed the Report SICCR Journal Club “Ulcere anali: ragade anale e malattie sessualmente trasmesse” by Andrea Lauretta.


The treatment of squamous anal carcinoma: guidelines of the Italian society of colo-rectal surgery

Nella sezione Linee Guida un nuovo articolo:
The treatment of squamous anal carcinoma: guidelines of the Italian society of colo-rectal surgery read more ›


School of Colorectal Surgery and Proctology

Entrance exams for admission to the new school of colorectal surgery and proctology, which is a prestigious initiative of our Association, were held in Vercelli on January 26th 2013. read more ›


Report dal Journal Club Triveneto

In allegato “Report dal Journal Club Triveneto” a cura di Andrea Lauretta.

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Hands-On Cadaver Training in Laparoscopic Colon and Rectal Surgery, Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Colonoscopic Stenting of Strictures

This hands-on training is intended for general and colorectal surgeons and gastroenterologists with an interest in laparoscopic colon resections read more ›


Report sull’attività delle Sezioni SICCR

In allegato il resoconto delle Sezioni Specialistiche della SICCR, ad opera di Corrado Bottini.

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Resoconto IV Educational Meeting SICCR

A tutti i soci SICCR,
Sono trascorsi alcuni giorni dall’Evento che ci ha visto, insieme, protagonisti a San Marino in occasione del nostro IV Educational Meeting SICCR, in questa occasione in joint con AIUG. read more ›


J-POUCH vs STRAIGHT: Studio Multicentrico Randomizzato

vi invio la newsletter n. 3 relativa all’andamento dello studio J-pouch vs straight.
Essa è frutto del lavoro della dott.ssa Del Bianco e della dott.ssa Briarava che ringrazio. read more ›


Report by Vincenzo J. Greco, national responsible of the Regional Representatives SICCR

The members’ gathering was held during a session of the 4th Educational Meeting SICCR, in San Marino. As the national Responsible of the regional Representatives, I presented a report on the SICCR’s members scientific activities. read more ›

Cerca medico
Centri U.C.P.
Coloproctological diseases and procedures

Last insertion:

Toilet Training
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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

Informazione pubblicitaria