
New Directive Council

An assembly was held on the 5th – 6th October in Catania in occasion of the third National Congress of SICCR to elect the new SICCR Directive Council for the two-year period 2009-2011. read more ›


Letter of the president to the members

Enclosed is the letter of the President Filippo La Torre to the members.


Candidates for the new Executive Board

From 5th to 7th October 2009, during the third National Congress of SICCR, that will be held in Catania at the Grand Hotel Baia Verde, there will be the election of the Executive Board of SICCR for the years 2009-2011. read more ›


Election of the Executive Board 2009-2011

From 5th to 7th October 2009, during the third National Congress of SICCR, that will be held in Catania at the Grand Hotel Baia Verde, there will be the election of the Executive Board of SICCR for the years 2009-2011. read more ›


Diploma Post-universitario di Coloproctologia

Quest’anno la sessione d’esami si terrà in occasione del 3° Congresso Nazionale SICCR ( che si svolgerà a Catania dal 5 al 7 ottobre 2009 presso il Grand Hotel Baia Verde – Cannizzaro Acicastello (CT). read more ›


The European Coloproctology Fellowship

COVIDIEN in collaboration with the Spanish Society of Coloproctology and the Spanish Society of Surgeons are pleased to announce a one year colorectal fellowship, read more ›


Incontinence Day

The SICCR has accepted to participate in the “National Day” for the prevention and treatment of Incontinence. read more ›


AIGO-SICCR Second Joint Meeting

The already consolidated collaboration between AIGO and SICCR became concrete in the Second Joint meeting held in Milan on the 29th of March. The main dealt with in the meeting was “ Chronic Constipation: decision-making measures”. read more ›


The Ordinary Assembly of SICCR members

The Ordinary Assembly of SICCR members will meet in Treviso on the 24th April 2009 in occasion of the XIV National Congress S.I.C.A.D.S read more ›

Cerca medico
Centri U.C.P.
Coloproctological diseases and procedures

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Toilet Training
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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

Informazione pubblicitaria