
SICCR’s almanac for the year 2008

Enclosed is the SICCR’s almanac for the year 2008.


Post-graduate course in methodology of research in Surgery, Rome 10th – 12th November

After the successful outcome of the first edition, a second course in methodology of research in surgery, sponsored by the SICCR and the SICCR science centre, read more ›


Theoretical-practical course on sutures and medication, S. Vito al Tagliamento 7th-8th Nov. 2008

Learning the physio-pathological foundations of the healing of a wound and the techniques of sutures: The SICCR towards the young generation. read more ›


3rd Educational Course in Colonproctology

Even for 2009 the SICCR has entrusted the 3rd edition organisation of an educational course in Colonproctology to the Colorectal Eporediensis Centre. read more ›


Letter of the Past President

Enclosed is the letter of the President Gian Andrea Binda to the members.


The SICCR portal: formation and information at present looking into the future

Pondering history, helps shed light on events that take place so quickly that we don’t even notice them. read more ›


Letter of the President

Enclosed is the letter of the President Filippo La Torre to the members


Elections of the Italian Society of Surgery

On our behalf and on behalf of the Directive Council and all members of the SICCR, we would like to congratulate and wish a good job to: read more ›


2° Educational Meeting SICCR

The SICCR second Educational meeting took place in Rome on the 15th and 16th of September. read more ›

Cerca medico
Centri U.C.P.
Coloproctological diseases and procedures

Last insertion:

Toilet Training
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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

Informazione pubblicitaria