
Report 1st Region of Sardinia SICCR Congress

“Difficult decisions in colorectal surgery”

When problems are analysed in great depth, the number of criticalities found in facing the diagnosis and treatment of the single cases is greater, read more ›


A myth has been destroyed

Red pepper does not worsen haemorrhoids and there is no scientific reason for patients to avoid eating foods that contain it. read more ›


Eating greens reduces the cases of cancer of the colon?

Source: Van Guelpen B et al. Low folate levels may protect against colorectal cancer. Gut 2006; 000:1 read more ›


Human Anatomy in 3D

An interesting link ( has been published on the web site on a portal reserved exclusively to doctors for professional refresher courses. read more ›


Siccr’s Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Dr Donato Altomare’s account of the Annual Meeting of UCP Coordinators & Regional representatives which took place on the 5 May 2006 in Chianciano Terme.


Health – Eu

A new portal called “Health-Eu” ( has been inaugurated on the web site. It’s a kind of “unique gateway” planned by the European Community, read more ›


Bibliographic Update: Colorectal Disease

Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of Febbrary 2006 of the Colorectal Disease, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori.


Bibliographic Update: International Journal of Colorectal Diseases

Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of March and April 2006 of the International Journal of Colorectal Diseases.


Bibliographic Update: British Journal of Surgery

Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue Febbrary and April 2006 of the British Journal of Surgery, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori.

Cerca medico
Centri U.C.P.
Coloproctological diseases and procedures

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Toilet Training
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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

Informazione pubblicitaria