The Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Familial Adanomatous Polyposis by Prof. G.G. Delaini has been published.
The SICCR has promoted a prize competition.
The communication committee will judge the best clinical case among those presented every two months, read more ›
Professor Donato Altomare’s account of the 9th International Meeting of Coloproctology which took place on the 27-29 March 2006 in Stresa.
Enclosed is the letter of the president Giovanni Romano to the members.
The ordinary assembly of SICCR members will meet in STRESA on the 28th March in occasion of the “9th international meeting of colon proctology”. read more ›
EBSQ Examinations will be held in Lisbon on Wednesday 13th September.
Those wishing to obtain further information should contact: read more ›
Has been published Professor Aldo Infantino’s account of the Congress “Approach to the patient with disorders of intestinal function” which took place on the 9 – 11 Febbrary 2006 in Rome.
Has been published professor Mario Pescatori’s account of the SICCR’s regional congress which took place on the 14th January in Genoa on the theme” Cancer of the rectum”
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of January 2006 of the International Journal of Colorectal Diseases.
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue Dicember 2005 of the British Journal of Surgery, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori.
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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.