Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue Dicember 2005 of the British Journal of Surgery, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori.
Attached the file containing the list of the latest nominations regarding the committees, the sections and the SICCR regional representatives for the year 2006.
We are developing new sections,bearing in mind our objective which is to obtain a more direct communication with our members, read more ›
In the society’s website you will find Christmas greetings on behalf of the SICCR’s president, Prof. Giovanni Romano and the elected president Prof. Donato Francesco Altomare.
The ‘Practical manual of urgent proctology’ by Prof. Filippo la Torre and Prof. Silvestre Lucchese has been published. read more ›
We would like to remind our members to renew their subscription to Diseases of the Colon and Rectum at the special price of 110 euro read more ›
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of October and November 2005 of the British Journal of Surgery, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori.
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of November 2005 of the International Journal of Colorectal Diseases.
During the last SICCR directive council meeting, which was held in Rome on the 24th October, the secretaries of some of the scientific commissions were nominated: read more ›
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of November 2005 of the Colorectal Disease, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori.
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Toilet Training
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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.