That on the 13th January 2006, in the assembly hall of the Galliera hospital in Genoa, will be held the last UCP training course organised by Dr, Gian Andrea Binda, read more ›
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of September 2005 of the International Journal of Colorectal Diseases.
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of September 2005 of the Colorectal Disease, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori.
Enclosed are the Abstracts in Italian of the issue of August and September 2005 of the British Journal of Surgery, edited by Prof. Mario Pescatori
Some contacts have been set up between Dr. Maggiorotti, President AMAMI and the Directive council SICCR with the intention of contributing to limit legal medical action read more ›
The winners of the Podium presentation and of the poster presentation presented at the national congress SICCR, last September at Bologna are: read more ›
The theoretical-practical course “Surgical approach to rectocele and Intussusception of Rectal-distal rectum” (10 credits ECM) held at san Vito al Tagliamento read more ›
According to a report by ISTAT, the death rate owing to tumours, in Italy is decreasing 2% a year. read more ›
The Regional Committee during the assembly of the 27/9/2005 awarded the event:
Surgical approach to rectocele and rectal-distal rectum intussusception read more ›
The editorial staff of SICCR would like to congratulate the new President Prof. Giovanni Romano and wishes the new Directive Council all the best for its activities. read more ›
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Toilet Training
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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.